Brad Parkinson

The Holiday GALA is fast approaching – Tuesday the 19th of December.  Please gather the folks you want to sit with and send (or hand) your check ($31 each for you and a guest) to John Knox (982 Bougainvillea St, SLO, 93401) to reserve a table.  It is the Capstone Lunch of the year and features entertainment – Johns Jazz musical group with a vocalist.  The group was selected by a special committee.

A reminder to stimulate creativity: the Haiku Contest.  These rules apply to writing haiku:

  • There are no more than 17 syllables.
  • Haiku is composed of only 3 lines.
  • Typically, every first line of Haiku has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables, and the third has 5 syllables.

Submit your composition to Brad P:  Winner to be announced at the GALA.  The prize: a fine screw-top bottle of central coast white wine! 

We have completed election of officers and council members for next year as follows:

(A majority of members voted unanimously)


Big RAM: Larry Price

Little RAM: John Knox

Secretary: Gordon Mullin

Asst. Secretary/Bulletin: Ken Lann

Treasurer: Rich Pescatore

Asst. Treasurer: Bill Fieldhouse


Dick Adams (through 2024)

Phil Keys (through 2025)

John Hyduchak (through 2026)

Alan Henderson (Coffee Cabinet Chair)

Bob Lever (Membership Chair)

Brad Parkinson (Past Big RAM)

Craig Perry (Program Committee Chair)

I thank Roger Eberhardt, Alan Henderson, and Bob Mott for acting as the Nominating Committee.

Reminder: Please nominate your most deserving RAM for the annual Meritorious Service Award (in recognition of his leadership and dedication to, and sustained support of, our organization)? Deadline is now! DO IT TODAY!