Congratulations, you have submitted an application. Once you have introduced yourself at a meeting you will be eligible to be inducted into SLO RAM. You can attend either a Luncheon or the Coffee Cabinet meeting following a Luncheon.
SLO RAM is a social club established to promote fellowship by helping retired men renew friendships, establish new relationships and enjoy participation in a variety of programs and activities.
The SLO RAM Bulletin contains all that is going on in the RAMs including meeting programs. You are sure to find some interesting activities. The current Bulletin can be downloaded from the SLO RAM website ( . Also, you can view the A Choice Retirement video on the website.
There are two SLO RAM meetings, the monthly Luncheon and the weekly Coffee Cabinet. Both have interesting programs listed in the Bulletin and on the website.
The monthly Luncheon is the third Tuesday of each month in the Garden Room at the Madonna Inn. Members start arriving at 11:00 AM and the meeting starts at 11:30 AM. Enter by the ponds and sign in to the right. Advance reservations are required by the preceding Thursday, the cost is $30 paid at the door. If you have to cancel a reservation, please do so by the preceding Friday. Otherwise, you will owe the cost of the Luncheon. Please contact us to make a reservation or to cancel a reservationvia
The weekly Coffee Cabinet is every Thursday at the Garden Room of the Madonna Inn. Enter by the ponds and go up the stairs to the right. Members start arriving at 8:00 AM and the meeting starts at 8:30 AM. Attendance is $10 paid at the table. Just drop in, advance notice is not required.
Also SLO RAM has a number of activities e.g., hiking, golf, wine tasting and a book club. They are described in the bulletin and on the website.
if you want to attend a meeting or join an activity or if you have any questions about the RAMs please contact us via